Server Move

Hello!  I’m changing servers and databases and stuff starting right now.  If you see anything weird or something that isn’t working, just leave me a comment in this thing.  But if for some reason comments aren’t working either, then email me at justin(at)

In other news, I saw a man carrying a clear bag full of boxes labeled “HUMAN EYES” the other day on the train.  They were white and red medical boxes but judging by the way he was carrying them, they were all empty.  Or were they…


18 Responses to “Server Move”

  1. justin says:

    I'm just leaving a comment to make sure it works =P

  2. Erika says:

    Doesn't it just suck how doctors de-human-eyes their patients?

  3. plums says:

    The page layout looks all weird for me, in multiple browsers. Looks like the CSS is missing or not working right.

  4. lexi says:

    wierdness alert.

  5. Lisa says:

    Things are definitely very wonky at the moment.

    The page wouldn't load at all the first two times I tried, and then it took ages to load, and the layout is still all screwed up.

    At least the comic still shows up!

  6. mikkl says:

    It's looking good now. I didn't notice errors before, but it's behaving just fine with IE7 and FF3.

  7. Dylnads says:


    Only 25 days until you haven't touched your website for an entire year!!


  8. laney says:

    lefthanded toons make me happy…. >.<

  9. marcus says:

    UKBlPS sk6skN2aP6Vvq18MdGcl

  10. kaka says:


  11. 306478122 says:
